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7 Habits of a Successful Project Manager

by | Jan 12, 2023

7 Habits of Successful Project Managers.png

Project management poses several challenges, but the efforts often pay off.

A successful project manager has a set of habits that allow them to meet the challenges of the job. Here are the seven crucial habits and practices for managing projects effectively.

If you are aiming to become a good project manager, make sure you integrate these habits into your everyday life!

Stay Organized

One of the most important things a project manager can do is have things in order. This helps you keep everything on track, including deadlines, tasks, and milestones.

Ideas for staying organized

Use project management software. You can better view progress, monitor progress toward goals, and meet deadlines with project management software.

Have a work breakdown structure. To keep yourself organized and on track, it is useful to break down large projects into manageable chunks.

Prepare a to-do list. Make a list of everything that needs to be done so that you can keep track of progress and avoid forgetting something.

Being well-organized will keep you on top of the job and spend less time on the catch-up game.

Be a good communicator

The success of a project depends heavily on the manager’s ability to effectively communicate with all key stakeholders.

You must be able to clearly and concisely relay project updates, risks, and concerns.

Project communication skills

Maintain consistent communication with key players. This will guarantee that everyone is on the same page and that nothing comes as a surprise.

Use the right technology. Put your communication skills to use in email, instant messaging, and video conferencing to keep everyone informed. Select the right means to use based on the situation.

Keep everyone on the same page. Ensure that everyone is on the same page by recording important discussions, decisions, and any issues or concerns associated with the project.

Use simple and clear language. Express yourself clearly and concisely so that the message is received without any ambiguity.

The ability to effectively convey information is crucial for every project manager. They use simple and understandable language to keep everyone in the loop about the project’s status, associated risks, and issues.

Delegate effectively

Third, one of the most crucial traits of a good project manager is the ability to delegate tasks. If you try to do every task on your own, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed and exhausted. Where it makes sense, get help from your team or from someone you feel can get the job done well.

Ideas for delegating

Delegate tasks to match the skill: Make sure you’re delegating the task that fits their unique combination of skills and experience.

Set a completion date: It helps everyone to be on the same page in terms of when something needs to be done.

Establish checkpoints: After delegating a task, it’s important to regularly check in to provide any clarifications and make sure it is on track toward completion.

Project managers that effectively delegate tasks and responsibilities achieve higher levels of organization and productivity.

A competent project manager understands the value of each team member’s unique set of skills when assigning tasks.

It also provides someone with an opportunity to work on a different task than they usually do and develop varied perspectives. Because of this, everyone might feel like they’re contributing to the project’s success at different levels.

Set realistic expectations

You can ensure the timely and cost-effective completion of the project by setting reasonable expectations for the team.

How to set expectations

Get clarity on the scope of the project: Before defining targets and deadlines, you must first have a good idea of the overall scope of the task at hand.

Identify & define scope: Get everyone on the same page by outlining the objectives and responsibilities of the project.

Establish timelines: Deadlines should be defined for every task as well as a milestone.

Have a communication strategy: Maintain open lines of communication so that everyone in the team is aware of the current state of the project and is aware of any necessary adjustments.

Project managers must set appropriate expectations to keep their teams from becoming frustrated and causing further delays in the project.

Think Ahead

Plan ahead rather than reacting to problems as they arise.

How to be proactive

Know your project well. Get familiar with every aspect of the project; this will allow you to see any issues before they arise.

Have a backup plan. Make sure you maintain a secondary plan in place to fall back on in case your original one fails.

Expect the unexpected. Problems will arise; be ready. Have an open mind and an awareness that not everything will go as planned all the time. 

A good project manager will anticipate potential problems and have possible solutions ready before they ever arise.

Be agile

There will be setbacks, so be adaptable and ready to alter your strategy.

Suggestions for being agile

Have a good strategy, but be ready to change the course. Know your project very well, yet be flexible enough to make adjustments as necessary.

Have a progressive mentality. Situations will change, and you’ll have to be flexible to adapt.

Be willing to consider alternatives. You could be surprised by the results of trying new ideas that come from out-of-the-box thinking.

To be successful, a project manager has to be adaptable and receptive to new ideas and information.

Be in control of your stress levels

Learn to manage stress and remain level-headed in difficult situations.

Ideas for coping with stress

Take a walk. Get up from your desk every once in a while, and walk around to get some fresh air and take your mind off of work.

Sleep well. Being at your best requires a healthy dose of rejuvenation.

Exercise and eat well. Eating healthily and being active are both great ways to take care of your mind and body.

Create a support system. Make sure you have someone to depend on when times are rough by surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family.

Successful project management requires the ability to deal with stress.


A successful project manager has set up a variety of practices that allow them to meet the challenges of their role. We looked at the seven best habits each project manager should have.

If you want to make yourself an effective project manager, you must develop these practices.

Successfully handling the challenging job as a project manager depends on you developing and maintaining these behaviors.


Prakash BT

I have over two decades of experience in Software Development, Testing, and Engineering management.

I enjoy leading teams to achieve goals and deliver high-quality software. I have worked with teams globally, gaining cultural insight.

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